Meet the Team
We are dedicated to fighting against racism by offering counter narratives to the racist propaganda of the day and training a new generation of youth in anti-racism ideology and strategies. CART is also dedicated to initiating conversations on racism, oppression, and marginalization while providing opportunities for affected people to heal from the ravages of historical and inter-generational trauma that racism causes.
Janice has been a part of the Center Against Racism and Trauma (CART) since its inception in 2020. She started as a member of the CART Advisory Board, prior to it receiving its 501(c)3 in 2021. Since then, she has served as Co-Director and now Executive Director. During these years, she has served as an executive for a nationwide family strengthening organization bringing up and managing federal, state, and county level programs. Janice is a racial justice champion and has served as Founder and CEO of RootWize, an equity implementation firm. Over the last 40+ years, she has worked with large technology firms like IBM and Accenture as well as CBOs like Path of Life Ministries providing homeless services. In addition, she has provided management consulting solutions including strategic planning, project management, organizational development, finance and accounting, and community organizing. Janice is also an organizer.
From facilitating youth in the development of an organizing plan for the Riverside County Alliance for Boys and Men of Color to Co-Founding Antiracist Riverside, she has moved efforts forward to address antiracism and equity. Janice has participated in all of the CART Inland Empire Antiracist Summits; helping to get sponsors, partners, panelists and even moderating. Her other efforts include acting as President of The Black Arts Museum and sitting on the Riverside Mayor’s Bipartisan Forum. She was the 2021 recipient of the City of Riverside Dr. Carlos E. Cortes Award for Championing Diversity and Inclusivity.
Our Partners

Inland Empire Community Foundation
The Inland Empire Community Foundation's mission is to strengthen the Inland Empire through philanthropy. Their vision is for the IE to be a vibrant, generous and just region filled with unlimited opportunities.

CA Endowment
The California Endowment’s mission is to expand access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities and to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians

Antiracist Riverside
The mission of Antiracist Riverside is to empower the individuals and communities in Riverside to eliminate racism in all its forms by building bridges of understanding, addressing discriminatory policies, and reforming institutions.