In April 2019 the government of Milwaukee, Wisconsin grew some ovaries by declaring racism a public health issue. This is a BIG deal. Racism has often been categorized as America’s first sin, a part of the country’s dark past, or just a horrific chapter in history. But Milwaukee has taken it a step further. They have done what every state in this nation needs to do. That is acknowledging that racism is killing people everyday, both literally and metaphorically. TARA CULP-RESSLER explains how racial discrimination in all forms causes long-term health problems such as high blood pressure, unequal health treatment, and shortened life span. No longer remaining silent about the issue, Milwaukee passes a historic resolution declaring racism a public health crisis that affects society as a whole.
The county resolves to:
Assess internal policies and procedures to make sure racial equity is a core element of the county.
Work to create an inclusive organization and identify specific activities to increase diversity.
Incorporate inclusion and equity, and offer educational training to expand employees' understanding of how racism affects people.
Advocate for policies that improve health in communities of color.
Encourage other local, state and national entities to recognize racism as a public health crisis.
Native Americans and African Americans are dying everyday prematurely due to health issues caused by racism such as: Alcohol and substance abuse, high blood pressure, hypertension, and diabetes. In other words, if you want your friends and family members to live longer lives, stand up against racism! CART is calling on the leaders of Riverside and San Bernardino counties and the state of California to follow the lead of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What will you do to fight racism?
Pushing Dignity and Humanity Forward,
Corey Jackson, Jernine Williams, and S.R. (Because of Racism)
